So for the first time in a LONG time, I had an afternoon nap, man it was refreshing! And it also has its proven benefits
Less Stress
Research found that stress hormone levels were lower in those who took stress-reducing actions such as napping. Even a short power nap can leave you feeling refreshed, renewed, and more focused.
Increased Alertness and Productivity
Your mood, efficiency, and alertness level will improve greatly. Scientists have even proven that taking a 20-minute nap approximately eight hours after you have awaken will do more for your stamina than sleeping another 20 minutes in the morning.
Improved Memory and Learning
Daytime dozing enhances a person’s capacity to learn certain tasks. Napping protects brain circuits from overuse until those neurons can consolidate what’s been learned about a procedure.
Good for the Heart
A 30-minute siesta at least three times a week had a 37% lower risk of heart-related death.
Increased Cognitive Functioning
A 30-minute power nap increased cognitive faculties by approximately 40 percent! However, a nap must be short in order to produce maximum effectiveness. Over forty five minutes, the beneficial effects of napping disappear and it is therefore suggested to take a fifteen to thirty five minute “power nap”. This is the time necessary for the organism to rest and enables brain neurons to recuperate.
Motivation to Exercise
28 % of adolescents say they are too tired to exercise, due to sleep. You’re guaranteed to run longer, faster, more efficiently and mindfully when your body has it’s required amount of zzzz’s.
Better Health
Napping in general benefits heart functioning, hormonal maintenance, and cell repair.
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