Tis' the season for colds, bacteria, and viruses! So here's how to handle the germiest places
Public magazines
How to deal: Alcohol-based Hand sanitizer
I've always been creeped out by magazines in doctors offices, who knows why people are there?! Did you know cold and flu viruses can survive on dry surfaces for up to 48 hours, while bathroom reading material can carry E. coli which can survive on dry surfaces for months! Yuck!
Office keyboards
How to deal: Hand sanitizer, antibacterial wipes/sprays
Studies have proven that some keyboards can be considered health hazardous and can carry more bacteria then a toilet seat! Most of the bacteria found on the keys are from the nose, mouth and gut, and thus do not pose too great a risk of infection. Shared keyboards, however, increase the risk of passing infectious microorganisms, particularly the cold and flu viruses.
The gym
How to deal: Vigorous hand washing with soap and hot water
According to a study on a buncha gyms, the cold virus was on 73% of weight-lifting equipment and on 51% of aerobic equipment. Thankfully, the same study found little to no trace of infectious bacteria.
Shopping Carts
How to deal: Paint thinner? LOL, just kidding! Grocery stores are beginning to offer complementary sanitary wipes, so use them!
A study done in 2006 found 2/3 shopping cart handles were contaminated with fecal bacteria, including E. coli and salmonella! Nasty! This is mostly because of diapered infants. Also, with kids riding in a shopping cart next to raw meat or poultry puts infants at greater risk for acquiring salmonella infection.
Bus Poles
How to deal: Don't touch them!
These are prime sources of disease transmission. Despite the label, unless you have open cuts on your hand or frequently touch your face while riding the rails, the risk of infection is still very low.
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