AKA the Backseat Driver, constantly harps on about everything. Their commentary is about as welcome as army ants at a picnic.
2. The Smorgasborder!
This odious omnivore can't survive a 15-minute commute without consuming copious quantities of messy food!
3. The Designated Drunk
What's your reward for being such a good responsible friend? You get to drive around a drunk who knew you were driving, so extra drinks were ordered! Benefits include physically manipulating your friend into the car, and then having to listen to endless, nonsensical, discombobulated anecdotes as you drive them home.
4. The Music Mogul
Either they whine about the music you play, or insist on listening to their music. RULE: Whoever's driving chooses the music, no if's or but's!
5. The Interferer
Like the cousin, the Nitpicker, the Interferer has this never-ending compulsion to get involved in other people's business. But unlike the Nitpicker who just utters criticism, the Interferer actually gets physically involved. He'll even commit the cardinal sin of putting his never-helpful hands on the steering wheel or gear shift, either to "drive home a point" or "show you how it's done" - almost causing an accident in the process.
6. Mr. Sleepy Head
This person, without asking permission, fully reclines the front passenger seat and curls into the fetal position in order to snooze. RULE: Unless the drive is over a day long, whoever is shot-gun must stay awake to accompany the driver!
7. The Colorful Commentator
This unique passenger takes it upon themself to loudly comment upon the driving skills of others, to the point that he yells profanities and flips the bird at other motorists as you slowly die of embarrassment.
8. The Human Detour
The one who makes you consistently stop! For a pee-break or a snack, the process seems to take forever!
9. The Stinky-One
What a joy it is to provide transport to that passenger who wears copious quantities of cheap perfume. Worse, sometimes they suffer from excessive body odour. But the most unforgivable Stinky-One is the one who, makes it abundantly clear refried beans were recently consumed at Taco Bell.
10. The Agony of de-Feet
These are the people who 'air-out' their feet while driving. Or stick them up on your dashboard.
11. The Loathsome Litterer
Be it a wrapper or a (ugh!) used Kleenex, they're the charitable passenger who feels compelled to leave a little bit of them in your car long after the destination is reached.
12. The Adjuster
This passenger has a compulsion to fiddle with everything in your car - adjusting the sun roof, tinkering with the rearview mirrors so that he can see what's going on around him; reworking your climate-control settings so that his precise level of comfort is achieved.
Found on msn.ca
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