It’s super easy to post photos and free! It enhances your sales by 70%I won't buy anything if I can't see it first, and this goes for on-line purchases too.
Post the Price
It's a pain in my butt to email you for a price, so just get it over with and post it right away.
Price ReasonablyIf you're going to throw it out anyway, why charge a crazy price that no one will pay? Think... if you saw that item at a garage sale, what price would you pay to buy it?
Research Your StuffI had a series of books I didn't want anymore. So I went on Amazon to see what other sellers had priced the item at. I posted that price in the description, and my price as well. It also helps to know your item. Don't just say 'computer for sale'. Tell people what it's running, the processor, memory etc.
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