You're told to toss them after: 6 weeks
But they can really last for: 4 months
You're told to toss them after: 6 weeks
But they can really last for: 4 months
Keep your blade sharper for longer by dipping it in rubbing alcohol after each use. And rather than leaving the razor near the shower head, where it will get sprayed with water and is more likely to rust, place it at the other end of the tub.
Running shoes
You're told to toss them after: 6 months
But they can really last for: up to 2 years
You're told to toss them after: 6 months
But they can really last for: up to 2 years
Keep them at room temperature when they're off your feet. Leaving them in the garage or in a car overnight in the winter, or packing them in your checked luggage (where they'll sit in the freezing underbelly of a plane) lets cold air in, breaking down the sole and screwing up the air pockets.
You're told to toss it after: 3 months
But it can really last for: 5 months
You're told to toss it after: 3 months
But it can really last for: 5 months
We toss it because it dries out or it gets contaminated. So don't pump the wand up and down because it forces bacteria and also air into the tube. Instead, swirl the brush as you pull it out. And if it starts to seem cakey, experts recommend dipping the tube in boiling water for about 15 seconds. It will make the makeup gooey again and may even kill some of the bacteria!
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