Thursday, December 1, 2011

I Keep Losing Things

If you're anything like me, you would have lost your head a long time ago if it wasn't attached! Ask my mother, all my life I've misplaced things which have lead me to missing the bus, getting locked out of the car, and having my house look like a tornado swept through it.

A while ago, I read an article on how to stop my annoying habit of losing stuff, and so far, it's working! (OK maybe not on Black Friday when I locked myself out of my car, but that was at 6am with no coffee.)

So if this article has helped me, maybe it can help ya too! Follow these steps.

* Make a mental image. Your brain remembers images better than anything else, so take a mental snap!
* Use your cellphone alarm to remind you to start packing up early for lunch, the kids, at the hotel... wherever... (plus with the alarm on, you'll be able to find your phone!)
* Place items together. Like your umbrella with your shoes or scarf beside your purse.
* Put it to music. Everytime I leave the house I do a little dance and say wallet, keys, phone, glasses.
*Lastly! Carry less crap! Make sure everything you take along with you is necessary... dump the rest!

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