Thursday, August 26, 2010

How clothes can make ya sick

Who knew clothes could actually make you sick??? Found this info on Marie Claire :)

METAL AWARENESS: If you've ever noticed an itchy, red rash on your earlobes, the nickel in your earrings could be the culprit; nickel can cause flare-ups in people with metal allergies which can develop over the years. Nickel can also be found in bra clasps, jeans' buttons, and costume jewelry.

But it's easy to beat: You can ban the rash with a simple over-the-counter 1 percent hydrocortisone cream; stick to jewelry made from surgical steel or platinum (both metals are hypoallergenic); or use a nickel-detection kit to test accessories while you're shopping. To be on the supersafe side, switch the metal hooks and buttons on your clothes for plastic or fabric-covered ones. Another good trick is to put clear nail polish or moleskin on the inside of your jeans' buttons. Having a nickel allergy also means you have sensitive skin, so make sure to use hypoallergenic and fragrance-free cosmetics and bath products.

TIGHT SQUEEZE: Denim is a coarse fabric, and the current trend for skinny jeans can make you sweat and chafe. That leads to clogged pores and ingrown hairs — or leg foliculitis. You'll usually notice it on your thighs, but if you tuck your jeans into boots or forgo underwear, you can get breakouts mid-calf and in the bikini region, too. Hydrate your legs regularly with a non-comedogenic exfoliating moisturizer (ingredients like alpha hydroxy acid are great), and always wear underwear. Use a salicylic acid spot treatment on new ingrowns, and see your dermatologist if they don't heal in three days — she might need to drain them.

EXTRA BAGGAGE: Heavy, oversize purses or travel bags can rub your shirt or bra straps against your shoulders, leading to sweaty, warm patches that are ripe for breakouts. If you have pimples on your upper back or shoulders, you should wash daily with a 10 percent benzoyl peroxide body wash. Opt for tops in breathable, natural fabrics, like cotton and silk, which ventilate better than synthetics; at the gym , wear moisture-wicking shirts to help stop sweat from clogging pores. If the breakouts continue, ask your derm for a prescription for Evoclin foam or an oral antibiotic like doxycycline. In-office treatments like Isolaz lasers and chemical peels can be done at higher intensities for body skin than facial skin and are good for more persistent breakouts, too. And remember to carry your bag on alternate sides: Too much neck and shoulder pressure can lead to long-term back problems.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

What's the Secret for Wearing HIGH Heels??

I was watching a fashion show on-line and half the girls were wearing extremely high heels! So naturally, being a shoe lover, I needed to know the secret to wearing crazy high heels. According to a Canadian-born celebrity trainer (Ramona Braganza) it's all about strong muscles in your feet, legs and lower back.
So if you would love to wear high heels and confidently strut like the Sec n the City ladies, here's some at home exercises to help you out!

For your feet
Braganza recommends doing this 3 times a week – perhaps while watching TV or reading.
- Warm up with ankle circles in one direction five times, then the other direction five times. Repeat this three times and then switch legs.
- Next, do flex and points: flex your foot (your toes should be reaching toward your knee) and hold for three seconds. Then point your toes for three seconds. Repeat this fives times per leg.
- Lastly, do calf raises. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and rise up onto your toes then slowly lower back down. Do this 20 times.

To strengthen your legs and lower back
- Add exercises to your routine that focus on the quads, hamstrings, and glutes. Which include squats, lunges, step ups, hamstring curls, crunches, and back extensions to help with posture while you’re standing in heels

Grown up gossip!

When I was in high school, I dreamed of the day I could say goodbye to gossip. Then I started working and realized workplace gossip is worse then high school!! So here's some tips for not becoming a casualty of office chit-chat.

- Don't spill confidential info. It will always come back to you. If you can't keep a secret, then tell them you can't, and not to tell you
- Don't bite the hand that feeds, aka, never gossip about the higher ups!
- Stay positive (unless they're looking for criticism) and friendly with your co-workers
- Keep YOUR personal life to yourself, unless you want it broadcasted
- Always assess the risk of what you're saying
- Lastly, some gossip is good, like when someone got a raise, or awarded. That is the only time it's ok to gossip!

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Weekend!

So it was quite the busy weekend for me!

Started off Friday night with Femme Fav's at Empire Theatres Trinity Drive. They do it every few months, and this one was 'The Notebook' with proceeds going to Alzheimer Research. Now I had not seen this movie before, so my friend made a bet with me that if I didn't cry she'd buy me a drink. So with the stakes high, I held out through the whole movie with not a single tear... not just for the drink, but I generally only cry when something is devastatingly sad, to me, the notebook was cute sad so tears were not called for!

Saturday 4 of my friends accompanied me to the Green Festival just outside of Clairville. While there was not a LOT of people, I thought it was awesome. The musicians were beyond talented, the vendors (handmade yarn, wine, jewellery, green party, hopewell rocks etc.) were very interesting, and the food was amazing. There was lots of places to camp, in a field or in the forest, and trails to hike on. One of which I almost lost my sandal due to mud suction. It started to rain mid-show and behind us, 2 rainbows popped up... it was like being in a movie!
Once I was back in Moncton I went to a party at a friends house where I met many awesome Monctonians and then headed to Traingles for the Pride Weekend party!

Sunday I was at Atlantic Superstore for free ice cream from Presidents Choice, they have new flavors that are Parlour Style, like the flavors you find at Ice Cream Shops (tiger tail, cotton candy etc.) which I'm totally ok with! Afterwards went for dinner at a friends house (thanks for the delicious broccoli salad!) and then to see the Expendables with almost all the kick-butt dudes... it was awesome! If ya like action packed with funny one-liners... then this is a movie you HAVE to see!

Hope your weekend was just as fabulous!!!!

Just to show ya how small we really are!

This is a pic of Earth and our moon (obviously the littler one)! Taken by Nasa's Messenger deep space probe.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Who knew sneaker wearing has rules?

Back in the day, sneakers were just for the gym, b-ball playas, or school. Now, they're pretty much ok for any occassion. I'm known for my love of sneakers, but I didn't know that apparently sneakers have become so awesome, they require rules now!

- Hightops are a fashion faux pas and should stay in the gym
- Guys are not meant to wear glittery or graffiti style sneakers, leave that to us ladies!
- Classic low-top sneakers are the way to go for guys
- Showing socks is tacky, visible ankle socks - or even worse - tube socks can turn a mature look into something juvenile
- The art of turning your socks down so you can't see them when wearing runners is a new fad and apparently mandatory
- If you're dressing up but still want to look casual, add some clean sneakers
- Sneakers should only be bought if they go with every outfit
- If you only have 2 pairs of sneakers, make sure one pair is for the streets and one is for indoors with awesome support

Ways to tell you've 'grown up'

1. Your house plants are alive... and you can't smoke any of them
2. You keep more food then beer in the fridge
3. 6am is when you WAKE up, not go to bed
4. You go from 140 days of vacation to 2 weeks
5. You're the one calling the cops about the kids next door who won't turn their music down
6. Sleeping on the couch makes your back hurt
7. You congratulate your friends when they get pregnant

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ways to get someone to flirt with you!

I have a friend who is a bit clueless when it comes to the dating scene. So I've been helping her with a the following tips. If you know someone who's clueless or maybe you are a bit too, then here's some ways to get flirted with!

- Enjoy whatever it is that you're doing (like walking through the park, reading the back of a book, smelling a flower, whatever) because it's human nature to find out what is making you smile, and it makes you much more approachable.
- Dress casual, people are less intimidated when you dress down
- Be in public solo because most people won't approach a group of people, especially to flirt with you!
- Have no expectations, I know this is annoying advice, but when you go looking for love it won't happen, in the moment you least expect it is when it pops up
- Have a friend flirt with you and walk away for something, it will peak others interest as to why you were being flirted with and why they're not flirting with you
- Stay in one spot for a bit. Moving targets are hard to approach. if you just chill, they have time to observe you, get together their courage and approach you.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

How to make BBQ'ing safer

One characteristic of summer in Canada is the rich scent of BBQ lingering through our neighbourhood at supper time!

But one of my friends told me that grill marks on BBQ'd foods are actually carcinogenic, and it's true! So here's some tips for safe BBQing!

-Avoid pouring marinade on meats while grilling as excess liquid drips can burn and cause flaming and charring. Instead, marinate overnight and pat dry with paper towel before placing on the grill. It’s best to use homemade marinades with citrus, spices and herbs such as rosemary, oregano and turmeric, because the sulphur and antioxidants in these ingredients can help reduce formation of HCAs during cooking.

- Wrap foods such as vegetables and potatoes in tinfoil before putting them on the grill to avoid direct contact with the flames.

- Cover your grill with perforated aluminum foil to prevent flare-ups.

- Thoroughly cleaning your barbeque with a proper grill brush and oil will remove left-over charred bits that could be harmful.

- The key to healthy barbequing is to avoid charring and prolonged direct contact between the food and the flame.

Although there is no established measurement that determines what level of charred food consumption could cause cancer, balancing the frequency of barbequed meats with other cooking techniques like baking or steaming is a good approach.

Monday, August 16, 2010

How to help your child succeed this year at school!

Found on MSN lifestyle

It's hard to believe that kids are going back to school so soon! So here's some great way s to help your child succeed this year, advice from teachers and child development pro's from across the country.

Attend back-to-school night or take your child on a tour of the school and the classroom they'll be attending. It helps to reduce anxiety in kids on the first day of school.

Introduce yourself to the teacher. The most important thing you can do is be engaged in your child's education. When you build partnerships with teachers, administrators and other parents, your child reaps the benefits, from improved grades to stronger self-esteem."

Keep the learning going outside the classroom.

Build up your child's self-esteem. Praise your child's efforts, listen when they talk, celebrate their creativity, applaud good behavior, leave notes of encouragement in their backpack and make every effort to build confidence.

stablish a school routine. A week or so before the first day of school, start getting your children used to the upcoming weekday schedule with earlier bedtimes and more consistency in the evening routines. Start keeping all routine items—like the child's backpack and shoes—in the same location so there's no panic over misplaced items, and set up a station where your child can put all important papers, notices, letters, tests and permission slips once school starts. Doing this now will help your child feel more prepared and confident when the first day rolls around.

Set realistic expectations. Every parent wants their child to succeed, but setting your expectations too high can be detrimental to your child. When children are pushed beyond what they're ready for, they lose confidence in themselves and become afraid to take risks.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

For house hunting!

The process of buying a new home is incredibly intimidating. Here, via, a handy checklist of all kinds of things a potential buyer should be mindful of:

1. Check the drains to make sure they’re not backed-up. To test, do a load of laundry, fill up the tub and sinks, and try to drain them all at the same time.

2. Open all the windows all the way to make sure they’re able to open and shut completely—fixing them is not only a pain, but a financial drain.

3. Turn on all the faucets and make sure they’re in working order.

4. Light a fire in the fireplace. While cleaning them is pretty easy (just call a professional chimney sweeper), you should also make sure they draft correctly.

5. Taste the water. Even if the city you live in has great water, if you’ve got old pipes, they may send out debris into yours.

6. Flush the toilets. Make sure that the toilets are able to flush toilet paper.

7. Open the electrical panel. Watch out for loose wires or ones that simply don’t connect to anything, which could be a sign of live wires inside!

8. Turn on the heat/air. Not only do you want to ensure they turn out, but check to see if they heat/cool to their designated temperatures.

9. Pull the carpets back. Peel away a corner of the carpet to verify what’s underneath (often there’s hardwood under there) and to make sure it’s not mildewing.

10. Basement moisture. Check for signs of dampness, not just on the walls, but near things like dehumidifiers, which suck water out of the air.

What guys find sexiest about ladies

- They love us without make-up!
- They detest lip-gloss, saying the stickiness takes the romance out of a kiss
- Guys prefer a healthy looking woman, they don't mind the love handles
- They find our weird habits absolutely adorable, like singing off-key or knowing all the facts on Beiber
- Eyelashes are a HUGE turn-on for men
- They love it when we ask for what we wants
- Leaving your hair alone, they don't care if we straighten it or curl it, but they do care about the amount of time we spend on it!
- Men love legs, big ones, small ones, short ones, long ones, they're all good as far as the menfolk are concerned
- Your unique style, sure they'll bug us about it, but they love it secretly
- And of course, your scent is a huge turn on!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Back-to-school Saving!

Kids go back to school within weeks! So the inevitable back-to-school shopping has begun. Canadians spend nearly $2 billion annually on back to school shopping, so here's some ways to save!

- Shop in your own home before you hitting the stores! You'll be surprised at how much you may already have!

- Consult bargain-hunting websites, like for the latest sales and coupons

- Do your homework for significant purchases. An informed purchase means money saved, so you won't have to replace it

- When shopping, use a credit card that has rewards. This way you’ll get something too!

- Deals aren’t the only way to save money. Many tax credits are available to students and parents for tuition, textbooks, public transportation and property rentals. Check what you are eligible for.

- Use a student or junior hairdresser. These stylists to be can be found in any college or university esthetics department, and give cheap cuts and colour as a part of their program.

- Borrow books from friends or the library. If those sources don’t have the books required and purchase is necessary, check alternatives liked used bookstores, bulletin boards and online forums first.

- Don’t worry about getting everything needed for the entire year. Remember, birthdays, holidays and mid-season sales can come in handy too.

For more back to school money saving tips, visit

How to make Wednesdays kick-butt!

According to research, Wednesdays suck the life out of us, so here's some ways to make Wednesdays awesome!
- Remember it's hump day (being the middle of the week)... you know you smiled!
- Make it your out-to-lunch day, trying a new place each time
- Have event alerts, shopping alerts... whatever, sent to you on Wednesdays so you have something to look forward to
- Send yourself some flowers
- Sprinkle some cinnamon in your coffee, the scent decreases anxiety and keeps you alert
- Create a Wednesday morning playlist with all the songs that pump - you - up!
- Change your desktop pic to something hilarious

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Preventing High Heel Pain

I love shoes, there I've said it! Lol, my shoes take up more room in my closet then need be, but I have a color and style for any outfit! While I have been known to wear shoes that cause my middle toe to lose feeling, or shoes that create unwanted blisters, I've compiled a list of sneaky ways to save your feet from cute heels :)

- Get rid of shoes that cause you to lose feeling in your feet. I know, they're REALLY cute, but walking is a BIT more important!
- Even if you don't sweat much, just a bit of moisture in the air (and we are in Moncton) can cause your sandals to give you painful blisters. Mist your feet with a spray antiperspirant.
- Band-Aid Blister Blocks are awesome. The package is the size of dental floss, and is easily hide-able in your purse. You simply put them in a place you regularly get blisters.
- Now, if you already have a blister, try a "second skin" product like Spenco
- Gel inserts are amazing, sure they sound old-lady-ish. But totally awesome.
- A cute alternative to gel inserts are foot cushions, they look like they're actually part of the inside of the shoe. Foot petals have great styles!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Awesome ways to get over a break-up

Summer seems to be the time for break-ups, to me that doesn't make much sense since there is so much more to do, but how can I fight with the facts? Anywho, here's some fabulous ways to get over the one who will regret what they did!

- Score a new 'do, it'll totally boost your ego AND help you start a new you
- Try something new, like painting, photography, acting... whatever, so you'll always have something to do while single
- Have an epic girls night and make a list of why you DON'T need him, it will definitely out-weigh the reason why ya do
- Write out exactly how you feel, email it to him if it'll make ya feel better
- Sign up for kick-boxing... pretend he's the punching bag... and thank him for your killer arms!
- Even celebs like Vienna Girardi got even by selling her break-up story for $90 grand to a tabloid!

How to say no!

Sure, I have a bad habit of saying yes to many things, even if they inconvenience me. But research even proves that us ladies get a natural high from people pleasing.

So when a friend wants to borrow your brand new, never-worn dress, don't say yes! Or when a co-worker wants you to do their work, say no!

Here's how to say no... nicely
- Spot the signs of an unwanted request is coming your way. "I've been meaning to ask…" and "I know you're really busy, but…" are obvious tip-offs, but also be on the lookout for earlier hints, like drawn-out small talk, throat clearing or a sudden lack of eye contact.
- Pause before answering (saying no remember) so it looks like you seriously gave it some thought (plus it's fun to let them sweat it out)
- Keep your no short, like "I'd love to but I can't" or "ummmm, no" (my fav)
- Lastly, don't feel guilty for saying no!

Summer brings stains, here's how to be rid of them!

Fastest Fixes

1. Grass Stains: Drizzle on a little liquid laundry detergent with enzymes (check the label) and rub it into the stain; let sit about five minutes. Then launder using the type of bleach (chlorine or oxygen) and hottest water permitted by the clothing's care label (in fact, this is the final step for all of these washable-fabric fixes).

2. BBQ'd sauces: First, gently scrape off the blob(s). Then dip a cloth or paper towel in cold water and blot (don't rub) the stain. Once you get home: For mustard, work a dab of glycerin (found in drugstores) into the stain and let it sit about five minutes; rinse. For ketchup, flush the stain from the back side of the fabric with cold water. Next, for both, apply liquid detergent to the front of the stain and tamp down with an old, clean toothbrush to break up any hard residue. Add more detergent to the stain; machine-wash as described earlier.

3. Fruits: Immediately sponge the spot with cool water. Later, stretch the stained cloth over a bowl or pot in the sink. Hold a kettle of boiling water at least 12 inches above the fabric and pour the water through the stain. The mark should disappear. If not, sponge it with rubbing alcohol before tossing the item in the machine to wash, as above.

4. Cream sunblock smears: scrape off the excess. At home, apply an aerosol-spray stain remover like Shout (these contain solvents for oily stains) or a solvent spot remover like Afta And, yep, launder as above.

Top 20 songs in Digital History

These top 20 songs have been released in the last 40 months, since this is the day and age for the web. Found on yahoo music.

1. The Black Eyed Peas, "I Gotta Feeling," 6,049,000. This ultra catchy song was #1 for 14 weeks, beginning in July 2009. It replaced "Boom Boom Pow" in the top spot, giving the Peas a record-setting 26-week run at #1. It won a Grammy for Best Pop Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocals and was nominated for Record of the Year.

2. Flo Rida featuring T-Pain, "Low," 5,640,000. This rap smash was #1 for 10 weeks beginning in January 2008. It was Flo Rida's first chart hit; T-Pain's 13th. It was T-Pain's third #1, following his own "Buy U A Drank (Shawty Snappin')" and Chris Brown's "Kiss, Kiss," on which he was featured.

3. Lady Gaga featuring Colby O'Donis, 5,616,000. "Just Dance," This Madonna-inspired smash was #1 for three weeks in January 2009. It was Gaga's first chart hit; O'Donis' second, following his own "What You Got" (featuring Akon).

4. The Black Eyed Peas, "Boom Boom Pow," 5,517,000. This was #1 for 12 weeks, beginning in April 2009. It was the Peas' first #1. The video won a Grammy for Best Short Form Music Video.

5. Lady Gaga, "Poker Face," 5,451,000. This was #1 for one week in April 2009. It was Gaga's second #1. It won a Grammy for Best Dance Recording and was nominated for both Record and Song of the Year.

6. Jason Mraz, "I'm Yours," 5,267,000. Mraz wrote this little ditty in 15 minutes. It was time well spent. The mellow pop shuffle hit #6 in September 2008. It was Mraz's first top 10 hit. It remained on the Hot 100 through October 2009, setting an all-time record for most weeks on the chart (76). It was nominated for a Grammy for Song of the Year.

7. Ke$ha, "TiK ToK," 5,078,000. Ke$ha gave Mick Jagger a name check on this cheeky smash, which began a nine-week run at #1 in January 2010. It was Ke$ha's first Hot 100 single (not counting "Right Round").

8. Timbaland featuring OneRepublic, "Apologize," 4,747,000. This classy pop ballad logged four weeks at #2, beginning in November 2007. It was OneRepublic's first Hot 100 hit. It was Timbaland's third top 10 hit as a "lead" artist, following "Give It To Me" (featuring Nelly Furtado and Justin Timberlake) and "The Way I Are" (featuring Keri Hilson).

9. Taylor Swift, "Love Story," 4,654,000. This is the best-selling country crossover song in digital history. It hit #4 in January 2009. It was Swift's second top 10 hit, following "Change."

10. Flo Rida, "Right Round," 4,594,000. Less than a year after "Low" ended its long run at #1, Flo Rida was back in the top spot. This was #1 for six weeks, beginning in February 2009.

11. Coldplay, "Viva La Vida," 4,588,000. This majestic pop hit is the best-selling digital hit by an act that hails from outside the U.S. It was #1 for one week in June 2008. It was the English group's first #1 hit. "Viva La Vida" won two Grammys: Song of the Year and Best Pop Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocals.

12. Soulja Boy Tell'Em, "Crank That (Soulja Boy)," 4,520,000. This rap smash was #1 for seven weeks, beginning in September 2007. It was Soulja Boy's first Hot 100 single.

13. Katy Perry, "Hot N Cold," 4,461,000. This propulsive pop smash hit #3 in November 2008. It was Perry's second top 10 single, following "I Kissed A Girl."

14. Train, "Hey, Soul Sister," 4,311,000. Train ended a nine-year absence from the top 10 when this melodic pop tune logged four weeks at #3, beginning in April 2010. The 80s-themed hit gave name-checks to both the famous (Madonna) and the nearly forgotten (Mr. Mister). It was Train's second top 10 hit, following "Drops Of Jupiter (Tell Me)."

15. Beyonce, "Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)," 4,166,000. This ubiquitous smash was #1 for four weeks, beginning in December 2008. It was Beyonce's fifth #1 solo hit, which exceeds the four she had with Destiny's Child. It won three Grammys (more than any other hit on this list): Song of the Year, Best R&B Song and Best Female R&B Vocal Performance.

16. Lady Gaga, "Bad Romance," 4,154,000. This melodramatic hit logged seven weeks at #2, beginning in December 2009. It could put Gaga back in the Grammy finals for Record and Song of the Year.

17. Kanye West, "Stronger," 4,106,000. For his first #1 hit, 2005's "Gold Digger," West teamed with Jamie Foxx. On this smash, which was #1 for one week in September 2007, West proved he could do it on his own. It won a Grammy for Best Rap Solo Performance.

18. Miley Cyrus, "Party In The U.S.A.," 4,105,000. This summer anthem was #2 for three weeks, beginning in August 2009. It was the teen star's fourth top 10 hit, following "See You Again," "7 Things" and "The Climb." Cyrus, 17, is the youngest artist on this list.

19. Lady Antebellum, "Need You Now," 4,028,000. This country/pop smash echoes such Eagles classics as "New Kid In Town" and "Lyin' Eyes." It was #2 for two weeks in March 2010. Grammy nominations for Record and Song of the Year are a foregone conclusion.

20. Leona Lewis, "Bleeding Love," 4,026,000. This is odd: No American Idol alumnus has had a 4 million digital seller, but a winner on Britain's The X Factor did the trick. This elegant ballad was #1 for four weeks, beginning in April 2008. It was Lewis' first Hot 100 single. It was nominated for a Grammy for Record of the Year.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Forget the romance, women love red!

Forget candlelit dinners, bouquets of flowers and endless compliments.

The way to a woman’s heart lies in wearing a red shirt.

Researchers showed women from around the world pictures of a ‘moderately attractive’ man.

The photos had been doctored to show him wearing shirts of different colors or standing against several backgrounds.

Hands down, women found the dude wearing a red shirt or with a red background more attractive and he seemed to have a higher status quo, then when he wore other colors!

So all in all, a dude becomes instantly more desirable to the ladies if he has on a scarlet shirt, a crimson tie, or even a pair of pillar-box red socks could do the trick.

The finding could help explain the appeal of Tiger Woods, who sports the colour on the final day of a tournament.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Here is a little something someone sent to me that is indisputable mathematical logic. It also made me Laugh Out Loud. This is a strictly mathematical goes like this:

What makes 100%? What does it mean to give MORE than 100%? Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%? We have all been to those meetings where someone wants you to give over 100%. How about achieving 103%? What makes up 100% in life?

Here's a little mathematical formula that might help you answer these questions:


is represented as:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

H-A -R -D-W-O -R -K = 98%


K -N -O -W-L -E-D-G-E = 96%


A-T -T -I -T -U -D-E = 100%

Now look at how far Butt Kissing will take you! ,

B-U-T-T K-I-S-S-I-N-G = 151%

So, one can conclude with mathematical certainty, that while Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude will get you there, it's the Butt kissing that will put you over the top!