Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Reasons to Start Running!

Summer's-a-comin', hopefully sooner than later! Which means more outdoor activities :) With the Relay for Life, Terry Fox Run, and many other cause-driven runs, why not join the fun? It's a great way to meet people and it's super good for your health.

Here's why running is good for you...

*People who run more than 35 miles a week are 54% less likely to suffer age-related vision loss.

*Runners who run 10 miles weekly (or more) are 39% less likely to use high blood pressure meds and 34% less likely to need cholesterol meds.

*Men who burn at least 3,000 calories per week (equal to about five hours of running) are 83% less likely to have severe erectile dysfunction.

*Running strengthens bones better than other aerobic activities. In one study by the University of Missouri researchers, 63% of cyclists had low density in their spine or hips; only 19% of runners did.

*In another study, people who run say they make fewer mistakes, concentrate better, and are more productive on the day they were active.

*A study in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society reported that women who were active as teenagers were less likely to develop dementia later in life.

*Insomniacs fall asleep in 17 minutes on days they run, compared to 38 minutes on days they didn't. They also slept for an extra hour on days they exercised.

*People who exercise for an hour a day are 18% less likely to suffer upper-respiratory-tract infections than those who are inactive, according to a study from Sweden. Moderate activity boosts immunity.

*Researchers had asthmatics do two cardio workouts and one strength session a week. After three months, they reported less wheezing and shortness of breath.

*A review of 22 studies found that people who work out 2.5 hours a week are 19% less likely to die prematurely than those who don't exercise. A separate study found that active people have a 50% lower risk of premature death.

So if you've been thinking about taking up running, here's a few reasons to motivate you!

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