Thursday, January 20, 2011

Email Mistakes

Most of us rely on email as one of our primary communication tools. I prefer an email over a phone call at work because I like a written reminder.
But as with anything, the more we send, the more likely we are to screw up! Simple email mistakes can cost us a job, or even end a friendship.
So... with a new year upon us, let's set a goal to avoid email mistakes!
1. Enter the recipients address AFTER you've completed the email so it doesn't get sent before you're done!
2. Upload attachments first, then compose. I'm horrible for forgetting to attach stuff! Also, double check to make sure it's the RIGHT attachment, not a picture of yourself!
3. Don't send an email and then call right after to get their response. They'll answer at their convenience, that's the beauty of email!
4. Re-read the email before you send it! Maybe someone was talking while you were writing and you accidentally wrote what they were saying. Always proof-read before sending.
5. Don't waste peoples time by forwarding useless crap.
6. Don't add/leave your signature on emails to co-workers. It takes longer for them to load, and they already know who you are. Take a second to delete it if it automatically loads on every email you send.
7. Don't use LOL or BFF or U when writing a professional email. Take your time to correctly spell out words.
8. Some companies have an email policy, so if you type in 'job search' it will trip the system and let them know you're looking for another job. So be careful what you send from a work account!
9. The subject line should be your headline, to get your point across and make people open the email.
10. Lastly, if a mass email was sent to you and you only want to reply to the sender, remember not to hit reply all! This can get you in big trouble (depending on what you're replying)!

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