Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Fiddle Head Season is Here!

Fiddle-head season is here, and before I moved to this beautiful place, I had never
heard of them! They are quite the delicacy here, so that's why Health Canada wants
to remind us of the importance of properly cooking fresh fiddleheads before eating

If ya don't know what a fiddle head is, they are curled, edible shoots of the Ostrich
Fern and collected along the banks of rivers and streams, then sold at markets,
roadside stands and even some grocery stores.

There have been numerous cases of illnesses in Canada associated with eating raw or
undercooked fiddleheads, however studies have shown no cause of the illness

So if you're going to delight yourself with these this year, make sure
- remove as much of the brown husk as possible
- wash numerous times in cold water
- cook them in boiling water for 15 minutes or steam them for 10-12 minutes
- Then if you want, saute - fry - or bake
- Lastly, if you want to freeze them still follow these cooking rules
- And DON'T can them, as safe process times have still not been established

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