Thursday, November 25, 2010

Office Christmas Parties

Tis' the Christmas party season! A time to celebrate food, drink, loved ones and co-workers. Yes I said co-workers! According to recent surveys, a third of employees behave inappropriately at the office Christmas party.

So here's some do's and don'ts to follow!

. Kissing. If someone deviously put up mistletoe, DO take it down! It'll be awkward on Monday if you don't!

2. Dancing at the party is a 'DO', even if you suck at it (the worse you are, the bigger a hit you are!). However, dirty dancing would be a DON'T.

3. Wobbly Pops. It's a DO in moderation of course. However, if you're table dancing, playing guitar with someones leg, or spilly-talking, you are in a DON'T situation. 1/10 people One in ten people have had some sort of disciplinary action taken against them the Monday after the holiday party, and booze is most often to blame.

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