Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Top 20 Questions on Ask Jeeves this year

1. Why are England so bad at football? No comment, but you used are instead of is

2. Is the X-Factor fixed? Probably

3. What is the Government going to cut next? Everything you love

4. Who is Justin Bieber? Seriously wish I could ask this question!

5. Did I vote for the right party? Is there a 'right' party?

6. Do all footballers cheat? Probably

7. Should I buy an iPad? Yes

8. What is Glee? Also wish I could ask this question

9. Why didn't Coleen leave Wayne? 'Cause love is blind (have no idea who these people are)

10. Will Big Brother ever come back? Hopefully not

11. Why didn't Cheryl put Gamu through? This doesn't even make sense

12. Where can I buy a micro pig? I'm asking that too!

13. Will I still get child benefit? Sure, why not

14. How are the Chilean miners surviving? Not touching that one

15. Where is the ash cloud? Look up in the sky, if ya don't see it, it doesn't effect you

16. Why did that woman put the cat in the bin? She thought it was a litter box

17. When will the recession end? Never

18. Who killed Archie Mitchell? Don't know

19. Where can I buy a vuvuzela? LOL I don't even have a smart answer to that

20. Where is Raoul Moat? It keeps getting better!

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